New Here?

We're so glad you
chose to check us out!

Connect With UsNext Steps

What to Expect

We realize coming to a new church can be intimidating but want you to know that whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, and however you got here you are welcome at Rise City!  Please take some time to browse our website to learn more about who we are, what we believe and how you can connect.

We would also encourage you to consider watching a service online and checking out our Facebook and Instagram pages as well, to get a feel for who we are.

More About Us

Take A Virtual Tour

Commonly Asked Questions


What About My Kids?

We have an incredible kids ministry that would love to meet them while you participate in the service! Kids ministry for ages birth through 5th grade is available during both services, while our Middle School Ministry only meets during the 11:00am service. High School Ministry (HSM) students attend morning service with their parents and have their own Wednesday evening experience, 7-9 pm.

What's a Service Like?

Services usually last a little over an hour and include a time of inspiring and energetic music, a relevant Biblical message from one of our pastors, as well as time for connection and interaction with others. You can check out an entire online service before you attend through the ONLINE tab above.

What Should I Wear?

At Rise City we are very laid back and informal. You will see a wide variety, from some in jeans and t-shirts to others who are more dressed up. But we encourage you to come in whatever feels most comfortable; we're more interested in you being here than in what you wear!

Where Are You Located?

Our church campus is located at:

12150 Woodside Ave
Lakeside, CA

Next Steps

Ready to Take the Next Step?


This is an opportunity for our lead pastor and staff to connect with you, help you learn more about the heart and vision of Rise City Church, and ask any questions you may have.

Our next Newcomer’s Social will be this fall; check back for updates.

Learn More


If you are interested in learning more about making a commitment to Jesus, growing in your walk with Him or about getting baptized, we’d love to help you take this next step.

Our next baptisms will be on December 15th in service.  There is a required baptism information meeting on December 5th at 6pm; you can sign up for that below.  If you have any questions about baptism, you can email Taylor Seeger at [email protected].

Sign Up


Life is not meant to be lived alone.  That’s why at Rise City we encourage everyone to consider connecting with others by joining one of the many different groups offered throughout the year.


At Rise City we want to BE the church, not just GO to church.  And one of the best ways to make this happen is by serving on a Rise Team.


For more information about women’s ministry, men’s ministry, or other ways to get connected, click below.